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Smart Sound Processing for the Digital Living

SSPressing Project > Objectives

The SSPressing project (Smart Sound Processing for the Digital Living) addresses the development of sound applications aimed at the challenge of safety of people in their homes and in the city, improvement of the accessibility, entertainment and internet of things. Sensor networks and acoustic actuators to process audio signals are used as basic technology. In view of this, two application scenarios of the technologies of smart sound processing are identified:

  1. Urban Living Lab (ULL). Environment of the smart city. ULL is the paradigm of the application of technologies in the urban area with the objective to improve the quality of life of the citizens. Experiments with sound applications that solve acoustic as well as non acoustic problems.
  2. Home Living Lab (HLL). Environment of the smart home. This will be understood as the domestic setting in which a relevant use of technology provides an intelligent sound ambient. HLL can be linked to a family house, as well as to bigger environments such as a hospital or a school.

This project proposes the following general objectives: conformation, rendering and analysis of virtual sound scenes through the use of acoustic sensor networks, and which addressed scientific (algorithms) and technological aspects (tools), and application integration.

For each of the above objectives, the different subprojects present specific targets within their discipline. These sub-objectives are not disjoint and therefore many of the tasks will be conducted jointly.

Specifically each subproject addresses the following scientific questions:

  • SSPressing-Vound: sound field control, analysis and classification of acoustic scenes, distributed multichannel adaptive filtering.
  • SSpressing-Colist: fusion techniques for detection, localization and classification of sound sources. Application of cognitive systems to acoustic scene analysis.
  • SSpressing-Intim: source separation and acoustic source localization, signal alignment for live music performance, distributed processing of acoustic information.
  • SSpressing-Scot: heterogeneous computing and optimization problems and matrix algebra.

And proposes to conduct the following test-beds, applications or results:

  • SSPressing-Vound: Immersive audio system for rendering virtual sound scenes in HLLs. Multi-room/Multi-ambient sound field control system with cancellation, masking and enhancement capabilities. System for the detection and classification of sound events in ULLs.
  • SSpressing-Colist: Sound-sources positioning system. System for the detection and classification of sound events in HLLs. Critical event detection system in ULLs. System to improve speech enhancement in digital hearing-aids.
  • SSpressing-Intim: Live music performance system: automatic musical accompaniment, distributed technological concerts, listener score and generation real-time effects for acoustic instruments in live music.
  • SSpressing-Scot: High performance libraries on structured matrices.